Worry Workbook

Worry is one of the most common mood disorders in America. Whether you call it stress, tension, frustration, or anxiety, worry can take its toll on health and well-being. It can be caused by life changes, such as divorce or career upheaval, or it can become a debilitating chronic disorder. The Worry Workbook helps readers understand what causes anxiety and how they can move beyond worry into emotional freedom. Practical steps, interactive exercises, checklists, and guided questions help readers identify their fears, replace negative talk with positive action, learn to accept what is out of their control, and make life-enhancing choices. The Worry Workbook offers insight on letting go of self-judgment, becoming real, identifying those who help and those who hinder personal growth, and overcoming insecurities-offering those who suffer from anxiety proven ways to find relief.
Don't Let Anxiety Rule Your Life!Worry is one of the most common mood disorders in America. Whether you call it stress, tension, frustration, or anxiety, worry can take its toll on health and well-being. While no one is exempt from the circumstances that cause stress and worry, many of us don't realize how easy it is to become locked into its self-perpetuating cycle...or that they can break free.Do you recognize any of these patterns in your life?You make major efforts to project a correct image of yourself.You have a hard time letting go of frustrations.Fear or distrust causes you to be cautious or calculated.You worry about whether others will accept you.You push yourself to perform appropriately and to make things right.The Worry Workbook identifies these trends and many other manifestations of anxiety, giving you effective strategies to battle such negative tendencies. This powerful twelve-step program presents illuminating questions, insightful guidance, comprehensive checklists, and real-life examples to help you:Learn to distinguish what you can and cannot control, then live accordingly.Recognize the need to "e;be yourself"e; and accept yourself for who you are.Communicate effectively rather than hold it all in.Know that each problem has a solution that you can resolve.
Frank Minirth
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272 S.

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